Awarded to future leaders

An educational project targeting outstanding and gifted students (orphans and needy) in all governorates of Iraq, males and females who have passed the primary stage, by sponsoring the student’s education by providing scholarships to students in model private schools with high standards of efficiency, and providing educational and development programs to enable them to become future leaders. And builders of the nation

The goal

This educational project aims to support outstanding orphan students registered in charitable institutions who have passed the stage Primary school for males and females through:

Target community

This project includes outstanding orphan students registered in charitable institutions who have passed the primary stage for males And females.

Services provided


Scholarships will be provided to outstanding students to cover the costs of education at various levels of study, starting with the intermediate stage To the university level.

Educational and development programs

Educational and development programs will be organized to enable students to acquire the necessary skills to succeed in their academic lives And professional. These programs will include:


This project will be funded by: